Esoteric Spirituality, Ancient Gnosticism, & The Secret Mystery Traditions
Welcome to the Gnostic Syncretist Site. Are You Seeking Deeper Knowledge & Understanding of the Occult Nature of our Reality?
Welcome to the Gnostic Syncretist Site. Are You Seeking Deeper Knowledge & Understanding of the Occult Nature of our Reality?
The Gnostic Syncretist site is an aggregation of information about Occult Spirituality, Esoteric Philosophy, Ancient Gnosticism, & The Mystery Schools.
This Site attempts to archive all the major Occult Traditions according to their fundamental doctrines, Cosmology, conceptual structures, & foundational philosophy.
The initiates of Gnosticism & Occult Spirituality taught that the universe is the periodical manifestation of the One Absolute Eternal Essence. In esoteric philosophy, this Unconditioned Absolute Principle "oscillates" cyclically between periods of Cosmic Activity, differentiation, & evolutionary manifestation and Cosmic periods of Total reabsorption, Absolute Rest, & Absolute Non-Being. Consequently, there are no beginnings or endings to the Cosmic Wheel of Time.
In Occultism, this ceaseless Cycle is referred as the Law of Periodicity, with all life descending and reascending in waves, of Re-Incarnation and differentiation.
The Sacred Traditions of occult spirituality and the esoteric philosophy have provided humanity the most thoroughly elaborated system of deep wisdom, high philosophy, & extensive cosmology ever revealed to mankind. Though it can be a rather difficult field of study for anyone seeking an alternative spiritual system of philosophy to major mainstream religions, the effort, time, and patience is returned 100-fold to the persistent, undaunted seeker of a deeper knowledge of our reality.
The doctrines contained within the traditions of esoteric spirituality have been guarded for thousands of years by Initiates of the Mysteries and have consistently been revered by the countless Sages of Spiritual Philosophy throughout history, being the fountainhead of primordial wisdom. The teachings contained within Sacred Esoteric Traditions are highly elaborate, very abstract, spiritually scientific, exceedingly vast in scope, and generally difficult to comprehend.
They involve monumentally convoluted Cosmological Creation narratives, extensive philosophical delineations, detailed outlines of supersensible planes, occulted techniques for accessing altered states of consciousness, and systematic methodologies for experiencing nonmaterial aspects of the Cosmos.
Consequently, the Esoteric Systems are the core out of which all the many prominent Exoteric (mainstream) Religious Traditions have derived their doctrinal blueprints, divine inspiration, core concepts, moral foundations, spiritual rituals, higher wisdom, and beliefs of superphysical phenomenon.
In contrast to Esotericism, the Exoteric Religions' primary basis for generalized promulgation was to act as an insular, rudimentary outer shell veiling the inner esoteric teachings reserved for the Initiates of the Holy Adytum. This structural system was designed to safeguard the higher knowledge from dark occultic abuse or degeneration.
Apostle Paul: "Meat is for the Strong Men, and only Milk is for the babes".
The Initiates and Adepts within the Traditions of Esotericism and their Mystery Schools, as well as the Pre-Christian Mysteries of Antiquity, taught that the entirety of the manifested Cosmos operates according to a set of INHERENT Principles which are Eternal, Absolute, & omnipresent NATURAL Laws, and that without which not a single manifestation could come to exist at all. These are pre-cosmic conditions set by the Absolute (Unmanifest Deity) which inherently, automatically direct the unfoldment of Cosmic differentiation and manifestation into all its varied forms seen and unseen by humanity.
These Natural Laws are not guided by a Deity but rather built into the very fabric of the Cosmos Superstructure at the inception point of its First Swirling's, remaining in effect until Cosmic Pralaya, or the cycle's end.
ALL Cosmic Phenomenon, whether a Being, Planet, or Atomic Element are subject to & operate through these Overarching Principles or Natural Laws, thus allowing for harmonic Manifestations to arise within the Cosmos, Chaos & Order alternating in periodicity maintaining this precarious balance & equilibrium of forces.
Furthermore, these Universal Natural Laws are eternally active and operate absolutely independent of Humanity's knowledge of or belief in them, being in EFFECT regardless of Man's existence.
These Eternal, Omnipresent Laws are more commonly referred in Esotericism as the Seven Hermetic Principles, being the fundamental pillar of all Cosmic Existence whether god, Planes, Worlds, Beings, or atoms are concerned, ALL things operate under this Law of 7 within our Reality, without exception.
Consequently, a deep and comprehensive knowledge of their workings act as secret occult keys to unlocking paths for interacting with any of the superphysical, non-material planes & unseen Astral-Etheric forces. Additionally, knowledge, understanding, and practice of these 7 Natural Laws forms one of many trials on an Individual's Occult Path of Initiation into the Mysteries & Spiritual Self-Mastery.
The Initiates of the Esoteric Philosophy & their Mysteries in antiquity remain unsurpassed, even today, in their deeply comprehensive mastery of the often-mischaracterized nature of occult spirituality and its secret Arcana. The Initiatory Wisdom of esoteric spirituality held by these Initiated Hierophants includes a depth of understanding & knowledge of the superphysical planes.
They also had a thorough understanding of the 7 Natural Laws of Cosmic Manifestation, numerous potent psychospiritual techniques of development, and a still unsurpassed, highly elaborate system of spiritual philosophy covering countless topics mainstream religion cannot provide such a extensive exposition due to an exoteric system's lack of the necessary depth inherent within the doctrines of Esoteric & Occult Traditions regarding the topics, of Natural Law, Cosmology, & Man's Sevenfold constitution ( & Subtle Bodies)>
During the Pre-Christian Epoch, the Mystery Schools of Occult Philosophy, the Schools of Ancient Gnosis, & the Greek Mystery Schools of Esoteric Spirituality w3the keynote of Antiquity's Golden Age of Spiritual Philosophy, and , across eras and cultures, which manifested in a plethora of different Initiatory Schools. The Gnostic and Pagan Esoteric Traditions arose within centers of great sociocultural significance including Alexandrian Egypt, imperial Rome, Ancient Greece, old Persia, Babylon, Mysterious Chaldea, and Dynastic Egypt, to name a few.
The Hierophants and Adepts initiated into these Ancient Occult Traditions embodied the highest spiritual aspects of humanity. They were entrusted with the preservation of the Primordial Occult Knowledge handed down over the Ages, and theoir sacred initiates were ultimately charged with the task of guiding humanity's Spiritual Evolution during their Epoch.
In the esoteric spirituality, and Gnosticism, it is taught that our material plane is the ostensible, ultimate result born out of a highly complex chain of interpenetrative, intra-cosmic forces brought down into manifestation from higher planes of existence, ones imperceptible to our physical senses.
These Invisible planes are the structural, archetypal blueprints upon which the material world is generated. The entirety of our seemingly solid plane was manifested along archetypal lines of invisible, inter-etheric stresses emanating from these astral blueprints. We reside in the lowest and densest plane of the Cosmic superstructure.
Our plane ultimately comprises only a very tiny fraction of a much grander cosmic whole. The invisible structures undergirding our Solid Universe exist as interpenetrating layers of material densification. It begins at Pure Spirit and descends down into complete materialization, with most of it remaining imperceivable to our normal senses.
The Nature of the One God within Gnosticism & Esoteric Spirituality is philosophically delineated using apophatic, negative, terminology instead of positivistic terminology. It is the Absolute Eternal Principle of Negativity, or Nothingness. Nothingness in the sense of all potentiality, without objectivity.
The Occult spirituality of Kabbalah is an ancient form of mental and psychic attunement to higher states of consciousness, supersensible cosmic forces, and superphysical potencies. It uses a magical and composite glyph called The Tree of Life to exercise its workings on the subconscious mind.
The macrocosmic process of differentiation through increasingly greater states of complexity from an initial point of pure spirit and simplicity is delineated through these 10 Sephiroth, their interconnectivity, and reflecting emanations. It also offers a profound microcosmic exposition of our gradations of superconsciousness reached at each stage of climbing the Sephirothic Tree through its 22 paths.
The Cycle of Reincarnation is a doctrine of general occultism & esoteric philosophy in these sacred traditions, essentially taught by every Esoteric School of Antiquity. It formed the basis for comprehending humanity's place in the world and explained the Ethics of Karma through re-ensoulment.
In the Esoteric Tradition this has been referred to as the Cycle of Necessity. Thereason for its necessity is the logical conclusion that a single lifespan was inherently inadequate and largely incapable of providing a spiritual being with enough time for acquiring any true degree of Knowledge, Growth, and eventually Wisdom from the unavoidable mistakes and errors one experiences during life.
All questions regarding occult spirituality, esoteric philosophy, or the obscure elements contained within the traditions of esoteric spirituality are absolutely welcome and will be answered in a timely manner. We appreciate people desiring to understand this profound field of knowledge. Sam
The Gnostic Syncretist